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André Hoeijmakers is an Action Researcher and a Certified (Senior) Management Consultant (CMC) in the field of Social Epidemiology and Social Innovation who is able to connect, attract, motivate and guide people in teams, within organizations and communities in complex and collapsing environments, towards their own unique and sustainable solutions and development.

He has 25 years of working experience in the Netherlands, Romania, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Seychelles, South Africa, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Uganda, Ghana and Sierra Leone. The last 17,5 years he has worked in fragile states and conflict areas as project manager, program manager, interim manager, coordinator and specialist for bilateral and multilateral donor organizations like the Dutch Ministry of Foreigner Affairs (DGIS), Dutch Ministry of Defense, European Union (EU), European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Bank (WB).

Specialties: André Hoeijmakers is assigned to stability programming, organization and community development, organization change, system innovations, transition management, strategic management, public water safety planning and to direct decision making processes of complex multi stakeholder collaborations.

Human Condition in Action
Op de Spekt 6

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